  • Roselle 洛神花

    The health benefits of Roselle, include its ability to treat high blood pressure, high cholesterol, disturbed digestive and immune system, and inflammatory problems as well. It helps cure liver diseases and reduces the risk of cancer. 

  • 【Menstruation Cycle月经周期】

    Tracking your menstrual cycle can help you understand a lot about your health. Irregular menstruation cycle means the cycle is shortened or delayed for more than a week for 3 consecutive cycles and above.

  • Digestive Disorders 中医治胃病

    Digestive Disorders Based on TCM perspective, the digestive system is responsible for transforming food/nutrients into Qi (energy) and blood, which is the essential basis for good health. Irregular lifestyle, stress and improper diet may deteriorate the digestive system.  

  • Agaricus Blazei (Brazilian Mushroom) 姬松茸 (巴西蘑菇)

    Agaricus blazei (Brazilian mushroom) is a type of medicinal mushroom grown in Brazil, Japan, and China. It has been used in folk medicine for centuries to prevent or treat a wide range of diseases, including infections, allergy, and cancer.
