【Menstruation Cycle】

Other conditions that TCM can help with:
* Period suddenly become irregular and you are under 45
* Absence of menstruation for 3 months and you are not pregnant
* Abnormally heavy periods/prolonged bleeding
* Infrequent menstrual periods
Do drop by Herbs N Food Subang SS15 for further enquiries!
You can also Whatsapp or PM us to find out more! https://wa.me/message/XKFKC3CFIJU3G1

• 月经周期突然变得不规则,并且你未满45岁
• 3个月没有月经,并且你没有怀孕
• 反常的大量或长时间出血
• 不常有月经
请光临Subang SS15中友商店询问更多详情。 你也可以Whatsapp我们获知更多详情:https://wa.me/message/XKFKC3CFIJU3G1